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Apple Sauce and Apple Butter

Order yours now


Quarts or Pints


Quart--eight dollars plus two dollars shipping

Pints--four dollars plus two dollars shipping


Quart--three dollars plus two dollars shipping

Pints--two dollars plus two dollars shipping
  I grow my own apples and I home can with a pressure canner. I have been home canning for thirty years and my products are safe and sterile.

Just think of delicious home made apple sauce and apple butter for your family. MMM.

e-mail me at lcs821@cs.com to order apple sauce or apple butter


Or send me a note by snail mail to:

The Case Place
3546 Cyrus Creek Road
Barboursville, WV 25504

Please send a check or money order with your request. Orders will be filled as soon as checks clear.

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Unsweetened applesauce--sweeten to your taste.

Sweet, spicy apple butter spreads smoothly on toast or biscuits.